Christmas Kitchen, Entertaining, Food With Friends, Recipes

Beetroot & Horseradish Relish Cured Salmon

Cooking Directions

This may look like a long recipe but it’s extremely simple and the result is both stunning and hugely versatile. It needs to cure for 3 days so remember to make ahead (perfect for the busy festive season)!

We’re sure you’ll think of plenty of ways to eat this fantastic salmon but we’ve popped a few below to get you started!

 – Mix the Beetroot & Horseradish Relish with the sugar and salt.

 – Drape a large piece of cling film over a shallow tray big enough to contain your salmon.

–  Spoon a third of the beetroot cure on top of the cling film, spreading it out a little.

–  Top with 1 half of the salmon, skin facing down. Spoon another third of the cure on top of the salmon flesh spreading a around the sides.

 – Place the other piece of salmon on top, flesh facing down. Finish with the remaining beetroot and horseradish cure, again spreading around the edges of the salmon.

– Wrap in the cling film. Add a few more layers of cling film to contain the salmon and cure. It needs to be tight enough to prevent the cure from leaking but don’t suffocate it – the juices need to be able to escape as the salt works its magic.

 – Place another, smaller, tray on top of the salmon and weigh it down with something heavy.

 – Leave to cure for 3 days in the fridge, turning the salmon over daily and draining any liquid that collects in the tray.

 – Unwrap after 3 days (the salmon should feel firm to touch at the thickest part), remove and discard the cure. Slice as thinly as possible and enjoy!

Serving Suggestions:

1)      Pile on toasted sourdough with a bed of cream cheese and top with watercress and a spoonful of Beetroot & Horseradish Relish for a sensational Sunday brunch.

2)      Perfect for the party season; indulge your inner chef by experimenting with different combinations for appetisers…we particularly like:

  • Cucumber boats, cured salmon, spoonful of Beetroot & Horseradish Relish with a dill garnish.
  • Sourdough crispbread with cream cheese, salmon, Beetroot & Horseradish Relish and dill (also sensational with just the relish).
  • Blinis with sour cream, cured salmon, soft boil quails’ egg, dill.
  • Mini jacket potatoes, crème fraiche, cured salmon and Beetroot & Horseradish Relish.
  • Potato rosti, cured salmon and watercress.


  • 650g fillet of salmon, cut in half width-ways (get as fresh and good quality as you can)

For the cure:

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